RUNfit 365 Podcast: Running | Marathon | Healthy Lifestyle

Dan Cuson and Travis Lozier launched RUNfit 365 in December of 2012. They knew nothing about startin...



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Every patron donating at the $1 level will recieve a shout-out on a future podcast episode! How cool would it be to hear your name on a RUNfit 365 podcast...I know it would be the coolest thing ever. 


Dan Cuson and Travis Lozier launched RUNfit 365 in December of 2012. They knew nothing about startin...

Dan Cuson and Travis Lozier launched RUNfit 365 in December of 2012. They knew nothing about starting a business, web development, social media, podcasting, blogging, hashtags, essentially any skill set you would need to start a business they didn’t have it. What they did have was an intense passion for running and helping others achieve their goals!

RUNfit 365 was an idea that wouldn’t go away. Prior to formally launching RUNfit 365 in the winter of 2012 Dan and Travis met routinely to discuss training and their next big race events. A common theme of these sessions focused on training plans and the different kinds of training plans available online. They found a ton of plans online but none of them really met their needs. Most plans were very generic and the plans that looked well thought out were very expensive. So after hundreds of cups of coffee and numerous breakfast meetings they decided to do something about it and started RUNfit 365.

The main idea behind RUNfit 365 was simple, create the best training plans possible and give them away. In order to do that Dan went through intense USA triathlon training to become a level 1 certified coach. Dan also dug through every piece of research and literature on running he could find to obtain the absolute best practice out there. He and Travis then put their heads together and using Travis’ NCAA division 1 cross country and track experience, the training plans came to life. Dan and Travis have polished these plans time and time again, and will continue to make them the absolute best FREE training plans available online!

If you become a patron to RUNfit 365 Podcast: Running | Marathon | Healthy Lifestyle, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

Booyeah Goal!

$1,000 per month

Help us raise our first $1,000! We will use this money to cover expenses associated with our high quality, content rich, awesome podcast!


Pledge $1 per month

$1 or more per month • 0 patrons

Every patron donating at the $1 level will recieve a shout-out on a future podcast episode! How cool would it be to hear your name on a RUNfit 365 podcast...I know it would be the coolest thing ever.